Hallo! Ich heisse Marianne and I'm a youthworker working with youngsters (5-23 years old) from different cultures (most of them are from turkey an from the ex-jugoslavien countries). I'm doing street work, "professional recreational work" (PARKBETREUUNG) and socio-cultural community work in the parks and public spaces of the 15. district in Vienna, and different projects like computer workshops, video workshops, street festivals, community newspaper, excursions, internet café for girls, job search assistence......We try to offer a place of contact for cultural dialogue, de-escalation of conflicts in the community, provide links to various services in the community........................I really enjoyed the time in Cagliari meeting all the nice people with different jobs and ideas and I'm sure I will come back to this beautifull island to enjoy the beautifull beaches, the mountains (I really have to climb there!) the nice people and the wonderfull food....
ZEIT!RAUM Verein zur Förderung von soziokultureller Stadtteilarbeit, 1150 Vienna, Braunhirschengasse 33-37, Austria
e-mail-me! Marianne Kolar